Thursday, April 4, 2013

Tenth and Last.

Hey everyone,

It's been a great semester. The course started on a rough path, but it became a lot smoother as it progressed. This will be my last SLOG, for it is due today before midnight. Overall, I had fun and learned a lot. I actually have gained an interest in computer code and I'm considering learning more in the future. Code is become more and more important in our society, especially in the business world. As a Rotman Commerce student, this will be a very beneficial skill to acquire. At this moment, I still find it a bit weird that I will be finishing off my first year of university in a few weeks. I've made tons of great friends already and joined some awesome teams. It's been pretty interesting, but I hope it gets even better!

Good luck with your exams everyone. Hope you're all as excited as I am for Summer '13!!! YEEE PARTY TIME ;)


Sunday, March 31, 2013


Hey everyone,

This week I have managed to finish Project 2. At first, I was struggling with the contrast code, because I couldn't seem to get the "z" button to properly produce what was expected. After several trial and error I finally solved the issue. I put the draw-imgpair code in the definition for keypress for "z" which should've been imgpair before ip. Now for fractals, everything seemed to be running smoothly, until I noticed the base of the triangles would not change when I pressed the "left" and "right" keys. I couldn't seem to find the problem myself. So I decided to go on Piazza for peer/instructor help. Thankfully, a student answered my question and asked if in my sierp definition, was the size of the triangle in the [else part, "5". And it was. However, it should've been (param-base rp) for it to properly work. So I corrected the code, and voila! It was successful.

This week is the final week of school!!! Although, I'm not even excited, because of exams. I feel very unprepared. Hope everything turns out well. Goodluck to everyone!


Monday, March 25, 2013


Hey all,

Looks like there's just one more thing left to do for class before exams! Project 2. I haven't started yet, so I am not sure what to expect. Hopefully it will be on the same level of difficulty as last time. Wikipedia Part III wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Thought it would be difficult and a long process, but I found it to be fair. My task was to add and fix Wikilinks. A pretty simple task actually. Engaging the Wikipedian community was convenient, because there were many active people online willing to help. In my previous blog, I mentioned that I found the codes for Palindrome confusing and hard to comprehend. However, after last Friday's tutorial material on recursion, I managed to get a better understanding of how codes with [cond] and [else] work together.

Anyways, this week is a four-day week with Friday off due to Good Friday, so there's no tutorial this Friday. I am so relieved.. A long weekend is just what I need. Although, I'll probably end up spending it catching up on other classes that I am behind in. Sigh. Have a nice long weekend everyone.


Monday, March 18, 2013


Hey all,

I was extremely busy last weekend and I completely forgot about my weekly SLOG. So I'll make up for it right now. Last week was a busy week for us CSC104 students, because of the test we had on Thursday, March 14, 2013. Unfortunately, I came down with a sickness and due to other factors related to my illness, I was unable to take the test. It got me really worried about my mark for the class and I couldn't just do nothing about it. So I found out I could fill out a Special Consideration form for missed assignments/tests, which I ended up doing. Dr. Heap was generous enough to accept the reason why I missed the test. Currently, I'm still trying to fully understand the coding for rot13 and Palindrome.. When I look at the codes, I always think of how it seems at such a more difficult level compared to what we have been learning. Coding sure isn't easy, but I'm going to try my best and grasp all that I need to know for the exam.

There's only about two more weeks of school! I'm excited for summer, but worried for exams. Hope you all are studying hard and good luck to everyone.


Friday, March 1, 2013


Hey everyone,

It's been a while since my last SLOG, because of reading week. Anyways, I finished working on the very first project of the semester for computer science today. At first, I thought it was extremely complicated, especially the ball one. But after reading over the whole outline a couple of times, I realized that it was pretty simple. Most of the coding required for the ecosystems part were codes used previously in the course, such as the check-expect. I thought I completed it, but once I ran it, all it produced was a picture of a fox beside a picture of a mouse. The pictures just stayed on the screen without any other actions occurring as time passed by. All tests passed, so I'm really confused about the outcome. Oddly, the end result of the ball part was the opposite. It produced a working simulation of the stop sign bouncing off all 4 sides whenever it came in contact. However, a message pops up saying 1 out of 12 tests failed. The error was located in line 77, which was already provided in the file. I don't remember exactly what it said, but it was regarding the direction "up" and how the expected value didn't match the actual value. My goal is to find a solution to both problems before the due date.


Sunday, February 17, 2013


Hey all!

I know this blog is later than usual, I was just really busy this week. Not much happened during the week regarding CSC. Just new lectures and materials. Unfortunately, I missed the tutorial on Friday, because I had an economics midterm that morning and needed the time beforehand to do some last minute study. I tend to prioritize and outweigh benefits in certain situations. Anyways, I'm so glad that reading week has arrived. Hope you all enjoy your break.


Friday, February 8, 2013


Hey all,

Hope everyone's enjoying this special weather! I haven't seen this much snow since I was in elementary school. At the moment, I'm not sure how much snow there is in Toronto, but there's plenty here in sauga. But like all good things there's always a downside.

I woke up this morning and checked my social feeds. All my friends from other universities were tweeting, posting on facebook and texting me about how glad they were that their school was closed. Many of them go to universities in Toronto such as Ryerson. So with that in mind, my hopes were high and expected my school to close as well. I went online to check. Tell me how my campus was open whereas Mississauga and Scarborough campuses were closed... No love for commuters.

The sidewalks and streets weren't even plowed in my neighborhood. Snow almost as high as my knees.. Now I wouldn't mind sharing the adventure I had today just to get to school, but it would take too long. Long story short, it took me more than 2 hours to get to school. Well, that doesn't sound that horrible, but it was. Although.. I did enjoy watching kids get stuck in 3ft snow piles and old ladies slipping & sliding, some toppling over. Don't worry, none of them got injured. The snow acted like a pillow.

Do you know a show called The Walking Dead? If I can describe what it was like outside today, I'd say it was just like that show but a Winter edition.

Oh, and we had a test this Thursday in class. That's about it for this week. I think I did well, didn't really need to use my cheat sheet.